This photo is birght. This photo is kinda slanted. This photo is hard to recreate. This photo is vibrant. This photo has red. This photo his blue. This photo sky is beautiful. This photo is cute. This photo has trees. This photo has grass.

13 camera setting every beginner needs to know.

  1. Setting the exposure using the histogram:  The camera LCD screen might be a good way to tell if you’re doing something right. These intervals will help you know what setting you should be, think of it as a guide.
  2. RAW: RAW files are bigger than JPEG files. Using RAW files are better to be able to use the camera full capacity, since they’re able to use more storage, they can help with how your pictures will come out.
  3. Selecting focusing points manually: Many cameras have the options for auto focus, but it won’t always be perfect. Learning how to use the focus manually can help build skills for using it when it is not available.
  4. Learn all AF modes: Servo AF mode won’t lock the focus and it will constantly refocus. It is a great focusing mode for sports and other fast-moving subjects.
  5. Aperture Priority: Having this setting on will mean you have full control over depth of field. This is great for landscapes photo or portraits.
  6. Shutter priority: It gives you full control of the shutter speed while making all the other setting automatic.
  7. Control Motion blur: This can come from having a slow shutter speed.
  8. Manual White balance: This helps with the lighting in your setting. It helps either if its too bright.
  9. Drive Modes: First mode obviously allows you to shoot one frame at a time. It’s great for studio shoots.
  10. ISO: This is the lighting conditions: Lower values for plenty light, vice versa.
  11. Auto-Iso: This will help with handheld shooting.
  12. Exposure Compensation: Is a +/- scale that will tell your camera to increase or decrease exposure.
  13. Manual Exposue: The last stage of learning how to use a camera, you have full control.


Hugging, consoling, cafeteria, talking about something. Boy and girl hugging.

girl photographing a guy with a friend, camera to head, in zeus lounge.

Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment, 2015 - Leica Store Miami

Henri Cartier Bresson Decisive Moments Of Street Photography Master

In these photos we see action happening. Someone sipping coffee. Someone running away from the frame. A house(s) collapsing. The smoke from the houses. The wood being broken. They were able to caputre this with them getting it at the right time. They had a nice iso and shutter spped with apeture.

Painting with Light

The Best Abstract Light Painting Photography References

Painting with light, I think the photographer achieved the picture with a lot of light like different colors, different style. They were able to get the light to surround them and such. The lighting iso etc. is very important, it looks very appealing to the eyes.

Photography Career Tree

  • Which photography related career are you most interested in? I’m probably more interested in Multimedia Designer.
  • Some responsibilities of being a Multimedia Designer are, meeting with stakeholders on media techniques and design ideas. Another is designing graphics and animations for websites, marketing promotions and tradeshows. This basically means they have to design way to gravitate people attention, like making a pop-up look flashy, because flashy things catch our attention.
  • According to Glassdoor a Multimedia Designer make around 62K-103K per year. Most likely these people make 80k per year. Although it may seem good, depending on where you live the salary can fluctuate either up or down depending on what is needed and entry level experienced is obviously getting payed more than someone who’s a beginner.
  • Some things that captured my attention because if you think about Multimedia Designer, you’re designing, so really someone with experience in like digital art or of that sort can easily be used in this field of job, it can really go both ways.
  • Some degrees or such that someone who wants to be a Multimedia Designer could be digital art, video game design, graphic design, employers may hire those who have a bachelor’s in computer design, Photography, Animation etc. This ties back to what I said because these people who may not want to do Multimedia Design still have the option or the opportunity to be involved in that field as well.

Digital Camera Mode

Automatic mode – Everyone uses this mode (I think) basically, it tells your camera what Shitter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance etc., to use. This is really good for beginners.

Portrait mode – This mode will make your camera get a bigger aperture (Smaller aperture) to help with the background, and mainly getting your subject in focus.

Macro Mode – This mode lets you get closer up to your subject, mainly really good for smaller subjects like bugs or flowers, and better focusing distance.

Landscape mode – This is almost the exact opposite of portrait mode, so smaller aperture (Bigger aperture) and helps your photo be in really good focus.

Sports Mode – This mode is to photograph moving subjects/objects. This is mainly used in sports, or race car driving. By increasing the shutter speed.

Night mode – Is the mode for nighttime photography, it uses a longer shutter speed to help get background and illuminate the foreground and subject.

Movie Mode- This mode helps with capturing movements, like actions, but this is mainly helped for sound.

Aperture Priority (A or AV) – Semi- Manual mode where you choose the aperture while the camera works on the other stuff. (ISO, SHUTTER SPEED ETC.)

Shutter Priority mode (S or TV (Taylor’s version) – basically the same as AV, but you control the Shutter speed.

Program Mode (P) – Some cameras have this in priority mode. It gives you a bit more control like white balance.

Manual Mode – You have full control of your camera.